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Application Resources

Application Resources

Resources refer to images, icons, audio, video, json, pdf and other files that your application can use either internally or to display on a page.

Should I put images in the public or assets folder?

From the public folder, resources (e.g. images) are connected in your application via HTTP(S), downloaded as needed from the server - as they have always been.

Resources in the assets folder (and in general from any subdirectory in src/) are renamed (a hash is added - like social-banner-e88a22df.png) and placed in the dist/assets folder, or, if they are small images, they can be Base64 encoded and placed in your js bandle. In the browser application they are available immediately, but the size of the js bundle is increased by the size of the resources, which negatively impacts the loading time. The larger the bundle, the more time it takes to load and parse, potentially slowing down the initial load of the application.

The resources are accessed via import:

// gets url to the resource
import imageUrl from "./image.img";

// gets raw (string) representation of the resource
import imageRaw from "./image.img?raw";

If you don't need to import/process the images in js, you can put them in the public folder and use them in the HTML template with their normal names.

See Vite documentation for more details.

How to connect images from assets?

Using images from the public/images folder is easy.

// static image name
<img src="/images/someImage.png" />

// dynamic image name
<img :src="`/images/${imageNameInVariable}.png` />" />

Pictures (as well as other resources) from assets must be imported into JavaScript before use

import imgUrl from './img.png'
// ...
<img :src="imgUrl" />

This returns the url to the resource.

Universal component for working with icons

Importing icons one by one is inconvenient when there are many of them, and often the icon needs to be changed dynamically depending on the conditions. To solve this problem you can create a universal class BaseIcon, which will display an icon by its name:

<BaseIcon name="account" size="26" />


<script setup>
import { computed } from "vue";
import { getImageUrl, getSvgIcon } from "@/app/utils/icons";

const props = defineProps({
  name: {
    type: String,
    default: "",
  size: {
    { type: String,
    default: "24"
  color: {
    type: String,
    default: "currentColor"
  width: {
    { type: String,
    default: "24"
  height: {
    type: String,
    default: "auto"
  type: {
    type: String,
    default: "svg"

const width = computed(() => {
  return props.size ? `${props.size}px` : `${props.width}px`;
const height = computed(() => {
  return props.size ? `${props.size}px` : `${props.height}px`;

      color: props.color,
      minWidth: width,
      minHeight: height,

<style lang="scss" scoped>
:deep(svg) {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;

  path {
    fill: currentColor;

The /app/utils/icons.js file uses Vite's import.meta.glob function to import files from masked directories:


const svgResources = new Map();
const imageResources = new Map();

function loadIcons() {
  let modules = import.meta.glob("@/assets/images/icons/**/*.svg", {
    as: "raw",
    eager: true,
  for (const fileName in modules) {
    const name = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, fileName.length - 4);
    svgResources.set(name, modules[fileName]);

  modules = import.meta.glob("@/assets/images/**/*.png", {
    as: "url",
    eager: true,
  for (const fileName in modules) {
    const name = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, fileName.length - 4);
    imageResources.set(name, modules[fileName]);

function getSvgIcon(name) {
  return svgResources.get(name);

function getImageUrl(name) {
  return imageResources.get(name);

export { loadIcons, getSvgIcon, getImageUrl, svgResources };

The component will first try to look for the svg named account, then png.

Where to find icons?

Huge icon set with images from many libraries available in different formats -

What is the best format for pictures - jpg or png?

Try modern webp. Really strong compression with no apparent loss of quality. There is a transparent background.

Only IE is not supported, it requires a fallback picture in a different format (if you even care about the decade-old IE11).

How to import JSON?
// import the entire object
import json from "./example.json";

// import a root field as named exports - helps with tree-shaking!
import { field } from "./example.json";